Thx for the answers. I'm playing this game because I love football and trying to play like NFL football is fun to me.
I know it's hard to make a game like this realistic but playing against no real RB teams, playing every running snaps with WR is making me crazy. sometimes ok. Playing WR RB some snaps ok. Playing RB WR ok. Some snaps. And so on.
And I come back to the use of speed. SPEED is way too much needed on every position. A 60 overall RB with great speed is ok, much more thant a 80+ with average speed. As well for WR, and all positions. A DL with speed make many sacks, even if is pass rush score is low...
It become frustration to have to look to a player first, and way too much - for his speed, and not for his OVR.
That's just my opinion, but seing 60 ovr DL crashing my 90ovr OL just because they are fast is an exemple of something that's making me crazy !